Monday, December 12, 2005

Personal Training

My new personal trainer is GREAT GREAT GREAT! Love her! And she is a Master's Trainer, so I get an awesome workout. But, since she is a mom, she only works like 10 hours a week, so she cannot charge master trainer rates, so I save big bucks! Plus, I work-out with Kelly, which only adds to the training, and also saves bucks!

I worked out today even with the stomach issues, but I think I am on the road to recovery now. I even have a newfound burst of confidence. Maybe teh overdose of enzymes cleared up my focus. The confidence applies to a lot of things, but also that we do the right things with Harry. This is not to say that right today is going to be right tomorrow, but I think we re-evaluate on a daily basis.

Daycare is the right choice for Harry. A lot of people ask why I bring this up so much, and ask if I have doubts about it. No. Like I said, I re-evaluate it, but daycare is best for Harry. He socializes with other kids, still gets personal attention, learns manners and how to interact with people, and he learns how to be away from home, which I think was easy to just blend into at 6 weeks then to suddenly be dropped off somewhere when he was two. Sometimes though - no, REGULARLY though, other people perhaps do not think before they speak, or at least stop to think who their target audience might be. Personal Trainer lady seems to be having trouble keeping her 1 year old in the gym daycare two hours a day, 5 days a week...even with mommy right next door.

I can see the boy through the window, and he look spretty happy to me. Trainer lady still brings this up often though. "It's not fair to him." She is trying to move 2 of her work hours to evenings because "They are missing out on so much." It's two hours. What are they missing out on? She mentioned music classes. Kelly brought up that it would be good for the boy to spend time with his dad one evening a week. Trainer lady changed the subject. She is also concerned about the biting and hitting that he's "picked up." The other kids in the gym daycare are 3 year old girls. Sure, some bite and hit. My neighbor pinched me until I hit her with my lunch box- and she was home-schooled. Harry bit for a while, but none of the kids in his class did. It is natural and he has grown out of it for the most part. He bites when he is excited or frustrated. I am sure that is the same for trainer kid, but trainer lady is too guilt stricken to believe this.

At least Kelly's daughter was in daycare at a young age too. Many of my friends work, and that is a good support system for me. But, it doesn't leave me walking around all day asking "SAHMs" if they feel selfish keeping their kids home with them all day.

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