Thursday, December 01, 2005

Out of Context

Try not to take things too seriously
Make my vote count
Not worry about pleasing everyone
To thine own self be true

Things I Like
1. Vince Vaughn
2. Short haircuts on guys
3. Doing yoga at the beach, or at least in a hotel room with an awesome view of the beach and an open door to hear the waves and a company to pick up the tab
4. Tan Skin
5. Keeping my cool

Things I Hate
1. People who are not punctual
2. People who don’t have kids or pets but think they know how to raise them best, just because their Midwestern parents were able to keep 5 kids in a shopping cart or threaten them into good behavior with the fear of God.
3. My lost willpower to eat right
4. People who think daycare is not fair
5. Bleeding heart liberals

New Years Resolutions
Stick to proper eating habits
Do more yoga
Get back in fighting shape
Stop reading trashy magazines just to fit in with people I already fit in with
Return to perky

Things I will not be doing this month
Traveling on my birthday
Visiting St. Nick
Accepting Jesus Christ as my savior
Judging others for their choices
Donating to Toys for Tots at my FIT Ladies holiday party
Sharing my true feelings
Being a negative twit

Things I will be doing
Saying no to things I don’t want to do
Giving people the benefit of the doubt
Spending some down time with The Rockin’ Gnome! (pictures to follow)
Looking for ways to spend the rest of our Flex Spending
Happily wrapping the gifts I want to give people and adding thoughtful notes to the packages

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