Monday, December 19, 2005

I forgot!

I forgot to mention Harry's great weekend, and what a sweet cuddly little boy he has become!
Highlight for me: Harry standing at the top of the slide yelling "Hannah!" as in "Hannah, look at me!" It killed me that I was camera-less for this event.

Harry had a great visit from Grandma this weekend. To our delight, while she was here he seemed to only play with gifts she had given him, from magnets, to bedtime story cards, to blocks. I swear, we did not do a single practice drill before hand!

Sunday we brought our 5th visitor to The Little Gym. Past visitors have included Grandmom, Aunt Meg, Lance and Lola. Harry had a blast as usual. He does well on the balance beam. He grabs your hand and walks one foot in front of the other at great speed. He loves to put the bells and balls away. Even running around the mat for warm up is fun. And it was cute to see him walk around, elbows at his side, hands in the air, asking everyone "where's Ma-ma?" He is so cute!

We headed out to Old Town and had some lunch at La Madeleine, where we have not been for a while. Later, since it was actually a little bit nice out, Harry got to walk around Old Town and climb all over the pavilion stage in the center of town. He was exhausted and napped for over an hour!

Kevin made dinner around 5, and Harry went to his own kitchen to help out. He busied himself putting items in the microwave and pulling his pizza out of the oven, very carefully putting two slices on each plate.

I dashed out with the girls to go to Bon Jovi. I was stressed about what to wear, but ended up dressed just like JBJ himself in jeans and a long sleeved black top with boots. Lucky for me I was at the concert when Harry cut his finger in the bath tub. He has been a trooper and has gone through 7 band-aids since. He keeps them on as he is supposed to, and lets us know if it falls off.

Sunday I woke up bright and early with Harry. You would have thought it was Harry's father and grandma who were out partying like rock stars the night before, because they woke up much later and demanded coffee. To give credit...they stayed home and baked cookies for my cookie swap with May and Kelly.

Kevin and Harry showed up Sunday at Kelly's after dropping Grandma off at the airport. Harry played blocks with Ledi and Hannah introduced him to play-doh. He loves it, so I will be heading to the store to buy some play-doh accessories later.

Post play-doh party, we headed to the park at MacArthur ELementary. FOUR separate playground sets! It is fabulous! Hannah played with Harry and took him up and down the slides. They ran and giggled and Hannah quizzed the little man on where his ears, eyes, nose, shirt, head, toes, etc were. Harry even slid down the crazy circle slide with Ledi who is just a little elf herself, though she will be 6 very soon. Lots of giggles all around!

Missed Donna's party Sunday night. Once again, was looking forward to it. Harry was exhausted after so much activity though, and I decided it was more important that he unwind a little at home. He was in bed before 7. And today he spent at least an hour this morning sitting calmly on my lap, just hanging out. He really is just so sweet these days. DO you think soemoen told him about Santa?

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