Friday, August 05, 2005

Birthdays, Balloons and Bubbles!

Today we celebrated Sage and Aisha's 2nd birthdays at Menike's. Aisha turned 2 on Tuesday, and Sage on Thursday. Turns out they are also next door neighbors!
Renee also turns 2 this month. Susanna was not there today, so I didn't get a chance to meet either of her parents. I guess she will be turning 2 also.

I thought they were all already 2. Regardless, they are still a year older than Harry.

Menike had everything under control by the time I arrived 10 minutes late due to traffic. The 4 kids were all sitting at a picnic table. Sage's dad was there. His mom, whom I have met before, arrived later. Aisha's mom was there and so was Renee's. I have met them both in passing.

Sage's dad served up ice cream cake, and the kids all fed themselves out of bowls. Harry used a spoon, but also his hands. He keeps up well with the older kids, but by the time he finished his cake, there was a noticeable age difference across their shirts! He tries though!

We are all amazed how well Menike keeps 5 of them in line. And she never seem sto raise her voice. Only kisses and I-Love-Yous. From what I gathered, the other kids don't even nap well when she is not around, yet all she does is tell them it's Night Night. Harry even tells her when it's Night Night now!

Sage helped pass out gifts. He seemed to recognize that he got the blue bag I brought, and Aisha got the pink! Both got Mr. Potato Head sets. Aisha's card was Dora the Explorer, of course, since I know little dark haired girls worhsip Dora. Apparently all the kids at the park call her Dora, and she just loves her! (I feel the same way about Kim Possible!)

Aisha's mom passed out balloons and gift goody bags. Harry and Sage struggled over a pair of sunglasses. Sage broke the side of of his as Harry held them, so I gave Sage Harry's pair. The gift bags were chock full, so even though Harry is partial to suinglasses, I don't think he will miss them.

After the gifts Harry turned on some tunes and we all danced to Sri Lankan music. Well, I took pictures, everyone else danced. Harry danced on his own for a while while wearing more Mardi Gras beads. He and Menike then decided it was group circle dance time, so he grabbed Sage's dad's hand and they all danced in a circle.

By 4:30, Harry was partied out. He was cranky on the way home. He's not usually so tired, but he fell and scraped his face a bit, so I gave him Motrin. He ended up eating most of his dinner (the Boca nugget portion at least, as he is still anti-broccoli). By then the AC guy was here, so we played outside, running through the sprinkler and blowing bubbles. Harry tries really hard to blow them himself, and he makes that puff of air sound that kids make when they try to blow out candles.

All in all, a good day.

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