Saturday, August 20, 2005

Ou(t), Ou(t), Ou(t)

Harry is really talking up a storm these days! And if you listen carefully, you can totally figure out what he is saying!

New words include fully saying Bailey, which often sounds like Bailey but sometimes sounds like Ba-Ba.

He says Ma-MA! when he wants my attention...and sometimes Daddy's attention, as well.

"Mimo" for some reason is his soymilk---I think mostly because that is what I have started calling it because I thought it was a cute word!

He says "Pease!" when he wants something. Kevin made the mistake of telling him "if you say please, you can have almost anything you want." Needless to say, I had to change his clothes everyday before dinner because he asked so nicely to play in the water pump in the backyard.

"Out" seems to be his current favorite word. Also "up." Both words can be used for a great many things. Out can be for out of the crib, out of the house, out of the car seat, taking Bailey for a walk...Up, well, pick me up. But usually he will grab your hand as though he has to show you something, and then he wants up. Sometimes up means he wants to get in his highchair.

Nigh(t), Nigh(t) is still used appropriately, and lately we say "Night, Night" just before 7:30. He scoops up Snoedel, heads to the crib, and spends about 10 minutes unwinding before he is out for the night.

Today he was asleep until nearly 7 AM. Tonight he was out cold by 7:04.

Some people worry that our sometiems frantic weekend travel schedules overstimulate Harry. I would have to disagree. I would have to say that quiet weekends at home spent doing "nothing" tire him out more. Today we did very little, and he passed out once in the car (not just napped but PASSED OUT) and was falling asleep in his dinner.

Today started with strawberry pancakes made by Chef Kevin, followed by some play time and some quiet time in his room (no nap, just quiet time).

We headed out to the post office and bank,
than hightailed it out to a strip mall in the suburbs to return a cable box, look for furniture at World Market, look at some cheap shoes, grab lunch at Panera (Harry ate almost his entire PB&J as well as a lemonade and a fruit cup while a group of "Old Guys" made faces at him).

We then headed across the street to pick up sand at Toys R Us and check out the play houses. We were planning to go with a Little Tykes Town & Market (or something like that) for a nice price, but we found an even better Step 2 for half the price that also comes with a floor so we can put it on the flagstone instead of the grass. Harry loved it, and was heart broken when he had to leave. Luckily there was a Geoffrey Jet Ski ride for $.50 that distracted him. He then got to check out some train tables and LOTS of books while I picked up SIZE 6 (can you believe it!!!???) sneakers (blue coudoroy for the fall) and baby soap. Moving on, we found that old school Fisher Price Popcorn Popper toy that you push/pull. Harry got his serious face on while he proceeded to take it all over the store. $9.99---what a bargarin! I think he likes it better than the play house.

All in all, I guess he got about as much out of this day as he does at Disney World or the beach. Sidewalks and people are the same as far as he is concerned!

He got to snooze in the car while we headed over to visit Dan. Dan wasn't home, but the people who bought our house had two cars in the driveway. I wonder whether they have moved in already? Hmmm...

Had to wake Harry up after a brief 42 minutre nap so we could pick out a picnic table. Got a great wrought iron model that will arrive on Friday. Yaaaay!!!

Stopped in Delray for some ice cream.

Headed home and played around the house and outside in the yard.

Played with chalk on the front porch.

Played with the front door for quite some time.

Spent a long time in the bath for the second night in a row. I think he likes the tub again!
Very exciting stuff. Watching the Ultimate Fighting Championships at a bar in Arlington with my Krav class woudl have been exciting too, but you can't be a day with Harry!!!

I do need to find some more baby sitters though. Lots of offers from the 8 year olds in Hannah's class who live across the street, but as with most things in Alexandria, they are just being sure to sign up early. I need to chat with the hockey guy next door. Surely this 16 year old has some girlfreinds who might be interested?

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