Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Kevin’s very appropriate quote of the day:

QUOTE OF THE DAY - One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things. Henry Miller (1891 - 1980), American author

I have changed my way of looking at running, and perhaps because of the running, I think I am now capable of really changing that negative attitude of mine that has been lingering. I think it will really change once I move, but I should be capable of changing my outlook on my own. And so I have.

Over the years, people have mentioned that what they liked most about me was my positive, optimistic attitude. Ha!

I would never consider myself a negative person. But I guess once you get to know people…well, you aren’t always as perky as you were from day one.

I saw another quote at Pilates today:

The optimistist sees opportunity in danger. The pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.

I’d say in almost every situation, I am cautiously optimistic. I don’t see the point in stress. Sometimes that makes me feel like I am a slacker, but I am actually a productive member of society. By some standards, I am pretty lucky. I don’t have Paris Hilton’s cash, and I don’t get to sleep as much as I want, and, well, there is always those last 10 pounds, but I am 90% happy with the person I am and the life that I have chosen. The other 10%? There is always room for growth.

So, as a lucky person, there is no reason why I should not reflect happiness. If someone annoys me, I should just give them the benefit of the doubt. Usually, when you understand why someone is the way they are, there is often a good reason for it.

My first boss, Gideon Rath, from the ice cream stand, used to tell me that if costumers were rude, instead of slamming the window in their face they way I might want to, I should smother them with kindness. The fact that this sometimes annoyed them usually made me happier than if I had acted aggressively.

Gideon was an interesting person. A bit of a pervert, but he lost a professional (soccer) career in Hungary when he was put in a prison camp. He had his number tattooed on his arm and everything. If anyone had a reason to be unhappy with life, it was him. But, in typical Viktor Frankl fashion, he kept a positive attitude. And he made out like a bandit on those Mister Softee stands!

If Gideon didn’t take out his bad luck on others, there is no reason most other people should. So I think I will just keep smiling.

Ah! I missed runner’s high!

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