Monday, August 08, 2005

Peter Jennings died last night.


He's been a part of many of our lives for so long. Even though we may not personally know people, we grow to depend on them as constants. I grew up watching ABC news, but felt an even bigger connection to Peter Jennings after 9/11. He was our link to home, as we watched the Pentagon burn behind him on ESPN, not registering what was happening and confused as we waited to hear news of Michael Jordan becoming a Wizard. Jennings brought comfort. He gave us world updates, while we spent hundreds of dollars collecting our own friends via cell phone.

It's been a time of loss all around us this month, for both friends and family. For some their time had come, for others it seems way too soon. While sad, my Uncle Bill's mom was ready to move on. Knowing how much she loved her dog, I am sure my Aunt Pat made the best decision for Kelly. Frank's dad's passing was unexpected as far as we knew, and certainly Janie's brother. While death is the most natural part of life, it is still so hard to accept.

I remember when Reagan took office when I was a child. While born under Nixon, Carter was the only president I had ever known. I was used to hearing his name. Surely, I could do with less of him now, but back then it was a comfort to know that certain things remained unchanged.

Now all 3 of the big anchors are gone. *Jennings, Brokaw, Rather. To a great extent, these were the voices that brought us a huge part of our history. They narrated our lives and were always in the background. These men brought us the news.

On the eve of our current space shuttle's return, it was Jennings who told me of the loss of our last. His calming voice is now gone.


*Note for Harry should he read this down the road...Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather retired earlier this year.

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