Thursday, August 18, 2005

I’ve had so many various drafts to blog about, and I have done nothing. Well, not entirely nothing. We did move. And I did have CRA days. And then I needed Harry time. And then I had to go to the pool and do nothing.

I was in Memphis for Elvis week (well, not for Elvis Week, but there by chance). I had a bit to write about teh soothing effects of baggage claim (except at National). More on aneurysms. A lot about our awesome new neighbors (almost Stepford like the way we’ve been greeted and baked for). Less mosquitos at the new place too!

I guess I will get to all of that in good time. Meanwhile, thanks to Meg for the awesome running motivation! I received in the mail today a very cool picture of me and Harry running 26.2. His hair was right on and I was wearinng my cool running skirt! Thanks Meg!

And let us not forget, a big shout out to the newest member of the team, Tyler David Lynch, born this week (what day is today?) and weighing in at 8 pounds! Yeah, Tyler!!! And way to go Mikki and Lynchie!!! Big babies with giant heads are the greatest :-) It seems Tyler may be an only, but we will look forward to lots of play dates!

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