Sunday, August 07, 2005

Thai Peanut Sauce - Creamy

This would be Kevin's fancy title for my brilliant veggie idea for Harry: mix in peanut butter to get him to eat more! Must have worked, because today's diaper was the foulest of foul! Loaded with carrots, too! But back to the peanut butter...instead of cheese on veggies, which I refuse to do to my son, I mixed in organic creamy peanut butter. The mixed veggies were warm, so the PB melted nicely. He especially liked the carrots. We might need more PB for the broccoli. But it gets some proteins and fats in him, and gets the greens down (or at least the whites and oranges!).

I am listening to Kevin sing and sign ABC's over the baby monitor. It is barely 6:45, but Harry had a long day today. His grandmom got to push him in the jogger while I ran 4 miles with Lola. He saw ducks and boats. We then did our daily drive by of the new house and headed over to the new Tot Lot, which we both loved. I like that it is fenced in and the equipotent is better suited for little guys. My mom got to push him on the swing for about 30 minutes. For some reason pushing him on the swing makes me very dizzy, so it was nice to just sit across from him and make loud "zoom" noises. He leans back and giggles the whole time.

Harry also got to walk around Old Town and get a bite to eat, play with the hose (the pools are packed until we move), play with the empty boxes in the house and head back out to Generous George's Positive Pizza. Paul used to take his nieces there, and Lola mentioned it today, so I thought we'd check it out (I know, I said no pizza, but I found a new daily lactose pill! I haven't puked since I got it!). Harry had fun. They had Ms. Pacman and some animal rides, which he liked.

As for the rest of us, Cookie Monster wags his tail for food, Bailey has been begging more than ever, Kevin and I packed a LOT! We also made it out to The Front Page in Arlington last night to see SML (Stan, Matt and Lars...Matt is Festus's person, Stan is Tracy's husband, Lars is a formal pro band guy!). SML sounded better than the band they opened for, and I'm not just saying that. It was good to get out, but we didn't stay out late since we were so tired from packing and knew little man would be up at the crack of dawn. I also had not slept tea night before. Harry's grill kept sizzling (batteries dying) and I was convinced, in my drowsiness, t hat it was Inferi from Harry Potter coming to get me!

Little man made it until after 6 today, but BAILEY slept downstairs. I have high hopes that once Harry and Bailey sleep on separate floors, he won't hear the ear flapping and wake up at 5:30, and she won't hear Harry and she will go back to sleep as well. Starting Wednesday, 7 AM.

Oh, and we are ending temper tantrums by 18 months. Harry and I have already discussed this. He's a reasonable guy, and he's been given ample warning.

Well, back to the boxes, and my last two overdue reports...or maybe back to Baby Laughs by Jenny McCarthy (second in her series). I just finished the chapter where she buys a new house because of the neighbor's dog barking.


Anonymous said...

Good idea- PB on veggies.. might have to try it myself!! I also use the daily lactose pill.. it has done wonders!!

Anonymous said...

The lactose pill is great!!!! Does it help with your chocolate issues at all? I think mine helps a little bit with bread...
And I did mix PB with noodles for lunch. Yum! Haven't done that since college, andthat was, well, I don't know why...seemed liek a good ide athen too, I guess!

Anonymous said...

I can't eat the chocolate because I am allergic to the cocoa, so it doesn't help.. I have been able to eat a piece of chocolate here and there, so I think my allergies with that are getting better.. how's the new place?!