Friday, April 30, 2004

This kid rules.

I can say that because he's mine, and I'm guessing it's what you'd expect to hear from a frist-time father, but really... he does.

I don't know who made up or even governs the so-called "charts" that keep tabs on kids' development, and I also should state that I've never actually seen any of the said charts, but I'm going to go out on a limb, and say my kid's already way off... the charts that is.

Please take the following with a few grains of salt... not even the run-of-the-mill Morton's table salt, I mean the heavy duty melt-the-ice-on-your-driveway Halite stuff.

He's great. I swear he's already got personality. He sees and reacts to the mobiles and toys that hang over his crib. He eats & sleeps on a relatively regular basis (see the Bottle, Poop & Pee chart). He seems to love riding in the car -not because he has to in order to get to sleep, rather for transportation- we'll see for sure on tomorrow's trip for Kayla's First Communion. FOr the most part, he seems to be a happy kid.

Mind you, this is purely from MY perpsective. I get to go back to the office all day. Kim gets stuck at home dealing with the bulk of it. For all I know, he's an absolute terror all day, and his personality switch gets changed over as soon as I walk in the door... somehow I doubt it.

Kim had her first night out among friends tonight... her first solo social call in quite a while. I hope she had a blast! I can only hope that with all of Harry's obvious talent and intelligence, he realizes how awesome of a mom he already has.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Progress. An amazing thing to watch in action. It's like getting to watch real-life time-lapse photography.

Tuesday was my first day back in the office, at the same time, my first day away from Harry. Aside from the amazing number of hearty handshakes and various forms of congratulations, curiously, I also got a lot of "...You look very well-rested." Not quite sure how that could have been the case, but thanks to all nonetheless.

Back to progress.

On my return home yesterday evening, I was greeted as always by Bailey, but mysteriously, Harry had figured out how to get some uninterrupted sleep while I was gone. Mind you, it's not that I didn't try to wake him when I got home. I carried him around the house, playing with the softest of soft arms & legs, but to no avail. The kid can sleep anywhere, through just about anything... He gets that from me.

I took a look at the chart we've been keeping to track his intake and subsequent output of formula, and am amazed at how he already seems to have picked up a regular schedule of duties (he said doodie). When feeding him later in the evening, there's obviously an intent to what he's doing. Rather than me simply thrusting his food upon him, he seems to be looking for, recognizing, and accepting already. Even to the point that he's trying to use his hands to guide his bottle in.

Okay, so I haven't actually seen him grow yet, but I can say that his hair is getting longer already, and it seems to be fading to a nice shade of blonde (sorry Wagner).


The time of initial progress is also marked by a multitude of recommendations. What worked for others when they were pulling their hair out trying to get little ones to sleep. Things like running the bathroom fan, running the washer, putting them to sleep in the carseat... the list goes on. To paraphrase one contributor "...It's amazing how resourceful you'll become when deprived of sleep." How true. So far, the carseat has been a proven winner (whether actually in the car, or sitting on the bedroom floor).

Also amazing is how quickly the time is passing. The pregnant months seem to have already faded from view. It was only last week that there were only 2 of us in the house. It was just over a year ago that we were still looking for a house to buy. Plenty of folks have told me that time flies, but who knew.

Of course, don't ask me to repeat that the next time Harry decides not to go right back to sleep after the 3am feeding.

Monday, April 26, 2004

A sort of homecoming...

Yesterday was a big day. Sorry we missed the update, but plenty of things going on... hope I can recount then sufficiently for everyone.

The big departure from the hospital lead everything off. After a final check-in with the pediatrician, and packing everything and everyone up Kim and Harry were escorted to the door, and we headed home. Thankfully, Alexandria traffic was light, and we made it home without incident.

Now it was Bailey's turn to meet Harry. As we had hoped, she passed with flying colors. Of course, she was a bit excited that we were finally home after being away for 4 days, but nonetheless, she did great.

Ed was waiting for us when we arrived, and Kim's Aunt Ethel and Uncle Bill also came down for the big day. Bailey was excited to see everyone as well, but then hit the wall. Later in the afternoon, a surprise visit from the Kersanty family. Jenn's parents were in from Columbus OH for wedding preparations for the upcoming summer nuptials. Kris also showed, as always, with a practical gift for the new Dad (perhaps yet another indicator that the bathroom still isn't done).

While it was great to see everyone, we didn't seem to take much notice of the fact that Harry slept through most of it. Although that may seem like a great concept on the outside, after being up most of the night, in hindsight, not so good.

Today was the first test of "...I know we have that somewhere, but where'd we put it?" One of the best things about being at the hospital, was we had a very convenient cart that Harry's bassinet was riding on, with a handy-dandy drawer full of everything we would have needed. Now that we're home, the best laid plans are being put to the test. What seemed like a very logical and ingenious place to put something a few weeks ago, now seems just the opposite. Kim's recovery has been progressing along quite well, but she's still not 100% at going up & down stairs. So changing diapers & feedings require some significant planning ahead.

Ceri from next door also stopped by with some beautiful flowers for Kim, and Harry seems to be getting the hang of things more and more. Tomorrow is our first trip to the Pediatrician, and my first day back at work.

And the adventure continues!

Saturday, April 24, 2004

2 days down... about a gazillion to go.

So plenty of you have asked exactly where it is that I've been staying. In the interest of full disclosure, click here for a shot of the remote headquarters of and have a looksee.

A few more visitors today, Kelly came back through, this time bringing May with her, and they were fresh off the trail from their morning power walk. Ed came back through again, and finally got himself on camera with Harry. As previously discussed, he's apparently renovated the entire house and landscaping while we've been gone... should be quite a homecoming tomorrow.

Tara, Aidan and Mikki also came through to say hi and spend some time.

After another busy day of greetings and meetings, Harry finally started eating consistently, and now seems much more satisfied with his own existence. Many thanks to our nurse Vicki for getting his bottle-latching skills on par.

So tomorrow brings yet another major milestone... we get to go home. Being one of the many patients this week, it's amazing what the nursing staff is able to deal with. It's tough enough to try to figure out why 1 baby is crying. They get to deal with an entire floor. The Labor & Delivery nurses are the same way. We were warned both by friends and our pre-natal class instructor not to be offended if they seemed to be distant, but to recall that they go through this every day. Some days even more than others... apparently there were 15 births here the day we delivered!

That being said, everyone here has been most helpful and extremely kind. According to them, it's obvious that Kim and I have relatives in the nursing field. I take that as a huge compliment, and know that both my mom's influence as an RN and childcare instructor, and Kim's Aunt Ethel's experience as a self-professed "hi-test" maternity RN will play major roles in how we care for Harry and his future. The list of influences is endless, and it would be tough to name everyone... you know who you are and we sincerely appreciate everything you have done to help us get to this point.

On our last night here at the hospital, hopefully we can get a decent night's sleep, and Harry will love his new home. For now, the night is young, so we'll try to get some shuteye.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Day 1 - In the books.

Today was one of many days of firsts for Harry, Kim and me. First bottles, first diapers, first swaddling attempts (finally a late-afternoon victory on that count), and certainly others. We also enjoyed visits from Kim's father Ed, and her Mom Becky and her husband Allen. Wonderful to have everyone, and for them to meet Harry.

Lots of pics today with many cameras, though not all are digital, so I apologize if it appears we were slacking. They'll be up as soon as possible.

Kim's friend Kelly Brockway also stopped by to see Harry again. I must mention that even though this is the first time she's met Harry, it's not the first time she's seen him. You may recall seeing her name on the sonogram credit that used to be on the front page.

It seems like today flew by, but at the same time, it feels like he's been here forever. I fully expect him to be able to do everything right on the first try. At the same time, I feel like I'm already supposed to know how to do everything. I know how absurd that must sound, but it's weird. Day 1 is really Day 1. You forget very quickly that he doesn't know if what you're doing is right or not... so going with the flow is the order of the day.

It's also strange to think that I spent just about the entire last 30 hours in this room. Other than a few quick trips to the cafeteria and to the car, I've no desire to be anywhere but right here. Even though it was a gorgeous day outside, eve with the brief rainstorm, when I did leave, all I wanted was to get back to my family.

We're really a family now. Of course Kim and I have felt that way for years with Bailey, but now we are in everyone's sense of the word. Ed's doing a wonderful job at the house hanging with the hound and apparently cleaning up the entire neighborhood while he's at it. Can't wait to see what he's done with the place!

So it sounds like we're here until Sunday, then the big move home. More firsts... first ride in the car, first time in DC traffic, and first time to hang with Bailey!

What could be better? DAY 2 OF COURSE!!!

P.S. thanks to everyone for the well-wishes and words of encouragement Whether by phone, email or otherwise, they are sincerely appreciated!!

Thursday, April 22, 2004

April 22, 2004

Today is the day that begins the rest of our lives.

As you may have guessed, Harry finally decided to show up today.

Kim began having contractions in earnest around midnight. By 2:30am, they had become regular enough and close enough to head to the hospital. Off we went to INOVA Alexandria. Friends had warned to try not to get there before 6am, as before then, the only open entrance is the Emergency Room. I must admit though, that coming in when no one else was around worked out very well. No traffic, no lines, no waiting anywhere. By 3am, we were settled in to our delivery room. My spot for the next few hours was a more comfortable than expected couch in the corner.

So as the day went on, so did the many phone call updates, lots of breathing and plenty of resting for what lay ahead. After a quick late lunch in the cafeteria, Kim finally got to start pushing at around 4pm. After an hour or 2, it was decided that Harry was facing up rather than down. The doctor was able to turn him over and get him facing the right direction, but still no luck with the pushing. Apparently he was going to be big. The the vacuum contraption comes out. The doctor did a wonderful job explaining everything that he was doing throughout the delivery so far, but was quick to point out that because they were making no progress with the vac, that a C-section would be done.

Cue the flurry of activity.

Within minutes, there were more nurses and related specialists in the room than I think I had counted all day. One of them handed me a set of scrubs, and instructed me to change, and what was going to happen next. Shortly thereafter, Kim was taken down the hall to be prepped for surgery, as I made another round of quick updates to family & friends.

Cue the surreal calm of the operating room.

The surgery begins as the nurse who fetched me explains who everyone is, and what they're in the room for. The Anesthesiologist, the Neo-natalogist, our doctor, and several other assistants, all there to bring Harry into the world. I have to say, that from my perspective, this was easily the fastest part of the day. In what seemed like only minutes, I was holding my son. Choked up a bit too much from the overwhelming emotion of it all, I had completely forgotten that I was holding a camera. Good thing they reminded me.

As quickly as it had all begun, is as quickly as it was over, and we were back in the delivery room just gazing at each other, and waiting on what to do next. So of course the phone calls begin again, and we report in to everyone, and get them up to date.

Mitch Albom's the five people you meet in heaven begins with a very appropriate passage:

"...All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time"

So here we are at the end of Kim's pregnancy. It's been a very interesting 9 (10 depending on whom you ask) months. I wish I had begun keeping this "journal" earlier along, but somehow I think we'd all be a little bored by now. There's nothing that can make you feel more helpless than watching someone in labor. As much as you want to help, to make the pain go away, to make it easier, there's not one thing you can do but stand by her side, and make sure she's got enough ice chips to keep the whistle whet.

And, we're also at the beginning. Actually several... the beginning of Harry's life, the beginning of our branch of the McDermott family tree, and the beginning of raising our child.

Oh the places you'll go!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

T-minus 9 hours.

Kim's been reading up on Harry's astrological nature, and it would seem we should have known that he'd wait until the last minute to arrive:

"...Taurus energy - practical, solid, and reliable - dislikes change and may be slow to get moving. ItÂ’s difficult to change the mind of Taurus... for that matter, may be impossible to move or change Taurus! And the harder people try - the harder Taurus digs in"

"...A Taurus baby doesn't like change."

"...Comfort is important to Taurus children, and their love of comfort may wind up looking a wee bit like laziness."

Geez... what a preconception to live up to.

Hoping that Kim's back spasms have subsidedenought that she'll get to have a good night's sleep tonight. A quick trip to the old neighborhood tonight for an acupuncture treatment visit with our former landlord seems to have helped out for now. It was also great to bump into our old neighbors who had plenty of words of encouragement!

So now we're coming down to it. Assuming everything goes according to plan, we should, at the very least have a new picture for the front of the website by the end of the weekend!

Thanks again to everyone for their encouragement and positive energy throughout.

Now the fun really begins!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Still counting down...

7am appointment scheduled Thursday for inducing. Kim certainly can't wait. She seems to have pulled her back way out of whack yesterday, and then tweaked it again this afternoon. Some heavy spasms this evening have made things "unpleasant" at the very least.

If anyone happens to bump into Harry, please let him know that he's running late and that his parents are looking for him.

Christopher Elser, however, will not. I remember hearing the name of Mr. Kip Elser as a kid. As a local horseman in the West Chester area, he and my father had some frequent dealings. Mr. Elser's 20-year-old son was knifed to death defending his fraternity brothers from an apparent intruder at Johns Hopkins University this past weekend. I never met Christopher, nor do I recall knowing Mr. Elser, but I would like to take this opportunity to pass along my deepest condolences to the Elser family and friends.

I'm not actually a parent yet, but I can't really fathom what losing a child would do to you. I do know more than enough kids around my age who have since passed on under a variety of circumstances, but I don't think I've ever really considered the loss from a parent's perspective.

I honestly can't think of anything worse.

Monday, April 19, 2004

So guess who's still not here?

You've played this game before!

Well tonight Bailey has taken center stage. We ran out for a quick bite to eat, and while we were gone, she apparently decided that the 3 energy bars that Kim had packed in her hospital bag, were much better suited as a doggy-snack!

25 minutes was more than enough to open the zippered duffel bag, extract the bars from said bag, unwrap, and devour them. We arrived shortly thereafter, only to catch a glimpse of her slinking across the floor, knowing full well that the scolding was not far behind.

So now, we get to listen to her whimper in the corner all evening because her belly hurts from eating too much people food too fast. I still don't quite understand how it is that she's able to deftly open and pick clean the foil wrappers that I can't even get to crack... with TWO thumbs... she doesn't have ANY!?!?!

Maybe if Harry would just show up already, Bailey wouldn't have as many bags to get into... of course then we'll just get to wait until he starts dropping food on the floor, and a whole new relationship begins.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Well the rain finally stopped.

The sun came out, perfect breeze, an abosolutely gorgeous weekend.

And Harry missed it. As you may have guessed, he's still inside. We did have a very nice time trying all of the tricks we could think of. We went and saw a movie Friday night, Saturday we washed cars, clenaed up around the house, and hit Phila-plooza at Kris's Saturday evening. Went for a great walk along the Potomac today up into Alexandria. No such luck.

We figure, if we keep making plans, sooner or later, we'll need to break them. With that, we'll keep it up.

So what' Philaplooza you ask? Well, first off it' was going to be Philapalooza, but aparently the party store was running short on the letter A (CTW sponsorship dollars just aren't what they used to be). So Phil's heading back to Beantown, and Kris & Jenn put on a lovely going-North party for the big Tool himself. Prominent guests included Nate & Audrey Ewell, Charbo (skim milk this time), the ever-popular Jimmy/Andy, and a surpise visit from the elder Wagner son Todd and his business associate Todd fresh from a Lionel convention in York PA. Great to finally be able to put a face with the name! I don't know that we ever actually established which were the Hawaiian wings, and which were Terriyaki, but regardless, they were all quite tasty.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention all of the candles that Phil's superbly overworked lungs had a bit of difficulty blowing out, and the excellent cake they were stuck in.

So a great weekend, and Harry missed it all. We kept trying to tell him everything that he was missing, but it would seem that he's quite content to remain in utero.

I figured I'd even head out for some pickup hockey this afternoon, fully expecting to be called off the ice by one of the rink attendants. No such luck.

And so, the countdown begins in earnest. We'll be induced on Thursday.

Mark your calendars now.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Guess what?

Still raining, and Harry's still not here. The doctor said today that he hasn't begun to drop yet. Still slated to be induced on the 22nd if he doesn't show up by then.

So sitting in the waiting room this morning, i picked up a copy of Smithsonian Magazine, and read a great article about Urban Explorers in New York City. A great article, so I ended up spending a better part of the day poring over a website referenced in the article.

One of the most interesting sections on the site, was a feature about the old Asbury Park Casino. Interesting because I can specifically remember passing by that structure as a kid while we were walking the boardwalk in New Jersey. We used to visit my mom's mother in Ocean Grove, NJ and would always hit the Perkins Pancake House for lunch. It was always a bit of a wait, as we usually were there right around the time for Sunday Brunch. I vividly remember, seeing the huge glass facade and the remnants of bumper cars and such hidden behind wire-grate fencing.

It's always stuck in my mind as a place I'd like to sometime see more of, to see what lies behind, and what remains. I get like that sometimes... wondering about really random things. Like who were the guys who installed the "casino" sign above the entrance. Who were their parents' friends' teachers? I told you - RANDOM.

Even more random, that I came across those pictures. Who knew. Seeing that place again jogs more memories. My brother's picture in the Ocean Grove newspaper as he imitated a soldier storming a beachfront. Silver Dollar Pancakes at the aforementioned Perkins' Pancake House.

So apparently it's all dead now. Real dead. It's too bad. It'll be interesting to see what Harry comes up with as his "childhood memories" that he gets to ask me about when he's my age.

"Hey... wasn't that the place that we used to... "

Sure is.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin... into the future

Still waiting. And it's still raining. Some things don't seem to change, and something about the watched pot never boiling. Harry's still hanging out where he has been for the last 9 months. Can't say I blame him, it's probably pretty easy going in there. Sooner or later he'll find out how much he's been missing!

So some things tend not to change, or go so slowly that you don't even notice. Another line I've been getting lately is how quickly time goes by once your kids are here. I started thinking about this notion of time going by at different relative speeds. It's amazing how looking back, time has flown by, yet sitting here watching the clock tick, nothing could seem slower.

I sit here watching Dubya holding a "Presidential Press Conference" relating to the time and decisions on and around September 11, 2001. Only a bit over 2 1/2 years ago, but seems like it's been forever. As many of you know, also around the same time that Kim & I were married. Again, seems like so long ago, and then figure that we had been together for 6 years before that... I had graduated from High School 4 years before that.

Time flies when you're having fun.

So here we are again, waiting. The past 9 months have flown by (at least for me, probably not so much for Kim), so why are these last few days taking so long? What's he waiting for? Everyone else is waiting on him... I sure hope this doesn't mean he's going to be eternally tardy.

Of course, there are other events upcoming that are quickly approaching. As my inaugural appearance as a Best Man is just around the corner come the end of July at Kris's wedding, an entire new set of things to be nervous about is already kicking in. I figure I have a lot to live up to. Now I should preface that by saying I had never had another best man before him, so I really don't have anything to draw against, but I figure he was the best I could have had... which kinda explains the selection. So now I get to return the favor, at his request. Hopefully I can do as good a job. One more person among many, whom I can't wait for Harry to meet.

Monday, April 12, 2004

And we're back.

Another crappy, rainy Monday in DC. It would seem that most folks had a splendid time at some version of a tropical vacation last week, only to return to low- to mid-sixties and rain.

Welcome home.

We found our match for daycare today. Menika has a great place and a great attitude. We're really looking forward to "working" with her.

Had a great visit this evening with Tara, catching up on all the good scoop, scooping some tasty (GASP) Soy Ice Cream and homemade brownies.

The waiting game continues. Visit to the doctor's office scheduled for Wednesday morning, and we'll certainly be toting our bags along as an optimistic gesture to go stright to the hospital delivery room without passing GO (hopefully someone can pick up the $200 on their way to visiting hours).

Just a new picture of Casey that needed posting...

That's all for now... more to come. Hopefully soon.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Saturday Evening Post.

Got lucky and had a surprise office closing yesterday by the aforementioned Dick Patrick. Thanks again Dick. Very enjoyable, and relatively productive day off. That sentiment carried over into today... some things done outside, some things done inside, and some general enjoyment of the springtime weather.

It would seem that we're getting down to the final days of solitude, well as much solitude that Bailey will allow for. The due date goes back and forth between the 14th and the 15th, depending on whom you ask.

We met with another prospective daycare provider on Friday afternoon... a very nice Indian woman who's been with the same service for 10 or 12 years. Her 2 sons, whom we also met, were both very nice, polite young men. Seems like a very good setting to begin forming someone's personality.

Okay - again with the responsibility of controlling the formation of someone's personality and being. Regardless of which side of the Nature v. Nurture fence you're on, either way, he's ours to mold. It's not like a puppy. If they're bad, the most you're dealing with is a puddle on the floor or a chewed shoe. We're talking human. All the things that you told yourself when you were little "...when I'm a Dad, my kids will be allowed to go back in the pool right after eating," all the way up to "...when I have kids, I want them to go to any school they want."

There's a lot of those things you have to remember. I should have written them all down.

I really do hope I'm going to be a good parent. I really want to be, but that's a lot to be held accountable to. So every time I have to be a parent, am I going to have a flashback to my own childhood to see everything from my child's perspective and from that as a parent? That may take a while for those big decisions to come up with the right answer.

I think back to some of the really dumb things I did as a kid - playing with matches near a gas stove, taking things that weren't mine, not telling the truth - I know kids who did many things much worse than I did, but also others whose records were impeccable compared to mine.

Where do I want my child to fall in that realm? Of course I want to have a great kid who does more things that we can all be proud of, than he does things we're not so happy about. However, I want him to live life, and to get something out of it.

Everyone I've met along this path so far has done something stupid. Some a few more than others. For the most part, they're all great people. All with their own story to tell. Some more exciting, some more "exciting." It's all in your perspective. I want Harry to have some perspective, to be able to see what the world is like... hopefully first-hand.

I seem to want a lot lately. Granted it's all for him, but I just hope I'm not coming off as greedy.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

well for some reason yesterday's post didn't seem to get published, so I'll try to recount as much as I can.

went ot the doctor's office yesterday... Harry's still right where we left him. Hasn't budged much. Hasn't dropped yet, so the odds of early arrival are slim (seeing as how his scheduled date is the 15th). They did say that if he's late, they will induce on the 22nd.

So at least we have a bit more of a schedule now. Which helps.

Other than that, not much really going on.

Film at 11.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

We head back in to see the doctor again tomorrow.

I say that like this has been a regular occurrence for me - not so much. Come to think of it, through all of this I think I've only been in twice... maybe 3 times. Once to hear the heartbeat, once for the sonogram, and once for Kim to have blood drawn.

So that makes this trip number 4 for me.

That being said, we're both optimistic that we'll be told "...just head on over to the hospital. They will get your delivery started." Bags are packed, and will be in the car.

Just in case.

I'm writing tonight from Harry's room... specifically on the floor next to his crib. It's really the first time I've spent in here for more than 10 minutes without working on something (paint, paint removal, carpet cleaning, furniture/toy assembly... you get the picture). It's actually quite comfortable... you can ask Bailey, but she might not wake up. It's also a new perspective on a new part of our life. Usually you walk into a room and sit down, and see everything in relatively the same light. From down here, it looks like even more fun.

Bright colors, lots of things to play with and hopefully stimulate the mind. Let's think about that for a moment... I get to shape someone's mind. I'm sure there are several of you who just had quite a shudder run down your spine. Don't worry, I did too. To put it mildly, that's a bit of a responsibility. I'm sure we're up to it, but still... it's a bit strange.

I think we're up to it...
We head back in to see the doctor again tomorrow.

I say that like this has been a regualr occurance for me - not so much. Come to think of it, through all of this I think I've only been in twice... maybe 3 times. Once to hear the heartbeat, once for the sonogram, and once for Kim to have blood drawn.

So that makes this trip number 4 for me.

That being said, we're both optimistic that we'll be told "...just head on over to the hospital. They will get your delivery started." Bags are packed, and will be in the car.

Just in case.

I'm writing tonight from Harry's room... specifically on the floor next to his crib. It's really the first time I've spent in here for more than 10 minutes without working on something (paint, paint removal, carpet cleaning, furniture/toy assembly... you get the picture). It's actually quite comfortable... you can ask Bailey, but she might not wake up. It's also a new perspective on a new part of our life. Usually you walk into a room and sit down, and see everything in relatively the same light. From down here, it looks like even more fun.

Bright colors, lots of things to play with and hopefully stimulate the mind. Let's think about that for a moment... I get to shape someone's mind. I'm sure there are several of you who just had quite a shudder run down your spine. Don't worry, I did too. To put it mildly, that's a bit of a responsibility. I'm sure we're up to it, but still... it's a bit strange.

I think we're up ot it...

Monday, April 05, 2004

Ah Mondays.

Nothing like the beginning of a new week, especially when you're still reeling from the effects of Daylight Savings "Spring Forward." Okay so maybe not reeling, but it still has some pull on the outcome of the day. Speaking of pull, it also happens to be a VERY full moon tonight. Perhaps these factors will all convince Harry to start his journey south... somehow I doubt it.

It would seem perhaps that my earlier post about the inane-ness of sympathy symptoms may be cathcing up with me. One could easily argue that the irritability & nesting have been significantly exhibited by yours truly.

For the record, and those of you who may not have picked up on it yet, I'm not the one actually giving birth.

We've been watching waaaaay too many home-remodeling shows lately. Thanks to HGTV and TLC, for whatever reason, I've a newfound interest in finsihing the upstairs bathroom in the next 30-45 seconds.

You honestly mean to tell me that you haven't finished that stupid bathroom yet? How long has it been? At LEAST a year now?

Not quite. Well, eleven months and counting. Now it's not like we just started watching all of these shows now that we have time, we used to be HUGE Trading Spaces fans when the show first came on, but for some reason, I seem to think that I can build anything. My nighttime reading has gone from not finishing any Fatherhood books, to browsing sections of the Home Depot 1-2-3 Book.

Bob Vila I'm not... yet.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Sorry we missed everyone yesterday.

Busy day... Magoo & Sue stopped by for their innaugural visit on their way to Pinehurst NC. Was great to see them, and I hope they didn't get too lost on their way out (I said go to the end of the street and turn left... not the first left)!

Later in the morning a visit down the Parkway with our newly returned "neighbors" Matt & Glenn. One word to describe the new digs... AWESOME. Huge place with plenty of room for them both, as well as Festus & Kody. Apologies again for the spot on the carpet!

The Caps closed out the home season with an overtime loss to the Rangers. Lots of Fan Appreciation stuff afterwards, giveaways, prizes and such. Some nice social time afterwards with the staff, some of which their last function as Caps' employees.

Lots of people have left the organization over the last few weeks... I think we came up with a rough count of 24 this season. Will certainly be an interesting next few months.

We finsihed putting together most of Harry's stuff today. When you look at everything you "need" these days, it amazes me that we survived as kids?!?!?

Can you see me rolling me eyes?

Friday, April 02, 2004

So we're thinking this is probably our last weekend on our own.

At least that's what we've convinced ourselves. I actually packed my own bag for the hospital this evening, so hopefully it won't be me holding up the show.

It's also the last weekend of the NHL season for Your Nation's Capitals. We play our last home game of this abysmal season tomorrow afternoon at 3pm against the NY Rangers, and then travel to Pittsburgh for the toilet bowl of all toilet bowl games on Sunday. For those who haven't been keeping up with the standings lately, at the moment, Pittsburgh seems to have a stranglehold on last place. Depending on how you look at it, the best or worst part of it all, is that it's between us and Chicago giving them a run for their money... we're tied for second to last.

What a weekend.

The big question is, what do we do on Monday? Some would have you believe that this is a very cut & dry scenario. The rest of us, know that it's a bit more gray. This week has been the most active on employee departure announcements... 4 in 5 days. One had been with the team for 14 seasons... one of only a few who rank higher than me on the seniority scale... one of a few that those who remained were really surprised to see go.

Then comes Monday. Tuesday will be here soon enough.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Rain in DC sucks. Actually, inclement weather in general in DC sucks. It took over 90 minutes to get to work today, and over an hour to get home. Might as well have been Monday.

I hope it doesn't rain the day Harry decides to begin his trip... or his first memories may be of a car interior.

Putting the final touches on all of Harry's stuff. Have to return the blinds for his bedroom since the gal at Home Depot decided that my measurements weren't good enough, and that she'd like to edit them.

It's a good thing that I got all of that practice in college assembling IKEA furniture. It seems to have trained me well for baby furniture & toys. Harry's cradle swing went together in no time flat.

A bit of an update - Lisa and Greg's baby has a name... Christian Ahrens.

Sorry... not so much on the insights today.