Sunday, July 31, 2005

8 Mile

First, let me say my prediction for Harry sleeping in on Saturday was not too far off! He actually did sing in his crib until about 6:45!

Today he slept until 6:02. Kevin and I hopped out of bed to get us all ready to hit the trail by 7. Kevin went biking towards Old Town. Harry and I headed with the baby jogger to Mt. Vernon to meet Lola and the group. I ran 8 miles today with a sprained ankle and a baby jogger at a 14 minute pace. I decided I am not that discouraged. I ran my first marathon at that pace, and I’d have to sleep the whole day after a long run. I did take off almost 2 years! I need to get one of those “Be All You Used To Be” shirts that the old army guys wear.

Harry hung out quietly with the group pre-run. He started to get antsy mid-way, but then napped for an hour. After, he sat on a bench happily eating his organic wheat peanut butter filled pretzels and organic Puffins and watching the bike dudes. He looked very cool in the Townsend Kids T Kevin got him and his red sneaks.

A lot of our stuff, and Harry’s, is packed now, not to mention he has outgrown most of his toys. AC was off and Kevin was getting grumpy, so we headed to the zoo. Harry wondered around, literally, aimlessly. He crashed into a couple people but they were more apologetic than I was, claiming “This is his place, not ours!” Cool!

Sadly/Happily he’s still a momma’s boy at this point. The right ankle was not too happy about carrying him, but we have a blast. He is a good giggler. Kevin says he reminds him of the little kid Brad Pitt in A River Runs Through It. This is Kevin’s favorite book, and movie. Kevin really only reads books that have movies made about them. Guess he figures, if they are going to make a movie about it, a must be a good book. I will have to pass along The Orchid Thief.


Anonymous said...

Harry and Kim are my favorite running partners ever...and Kim is my hero I barely make it 4 miles with the Jogger and I cannot wait to cheer you on at the Marathon - who knows maybe someday I will run one too!

Lola (and Lance)

Anonymous said...

Lola, don't you know? You will be running next year! I believe Arizona has a rock & roll marathon...
I'm goingto catch up come ATM time!

Anonymous said...

You gals are just lucky you can run all those miles!!! By the way, I love that my pic of Harry made the front page of the website!!

Anonymous said...

We will run in Duck! It will be fun :-)
Of course your picture made i t! Good photo, goofball kid!