Sunday, July 31, 2005

Stick and Stones

Like any young Wiccan, Harry’s new fascination is sticks, but stones are cool too. He holds the stick up to the sky like a wand. He also drags it along the ground.

I don’t want to discourage his love of nature, but I do worry he will poke someone’s eye out.

I especially worry that the eyes poked out will be mine, as they were very expensive.

Harry also likes to cross the street by himself. I am usually next to him. Actually, I am ALWAYS next to him.

He likes to go back and forth to visit his best friend Dan. And then back home to Bailey when he is at Dan’s. I am using this as an opportunity to teach him to look both ways. So far, he refuses.

Dan apparently saved the day at the barber shop this morning. Harry was cranky because he is 15 months old. Dan was there to make faces while Harry got his hair cut. I was at Krav, so I missed it.

I have to say, working out with Aidan was getting discouraging. She’s gotten so much stronger while I was playing hooky. Today we did defensive moves in groups of 4. Turns out I don’t suck. The other two people in my group did (and one was a guy). Aidan is just THAT much stronger! Harry needs to do some heavy duty friend recruiting so that I can catch up!

Back to Harry, he also enjoys taking Bailey for a walk. It started Friday when he decided pushing his bike by the handle would be more fun than riding it. (My back disagreed). Shortly after, he decided he should walk Bailey. It is not too difficult. Kevin and I use a “Buddy System” to walk her. It is a waist belt I found at a running store. We just attach another leash so that Harry thinks he is in control. I don’t know that anyone is actually in control at this point. I am pretty sure, though, that these do not make up Bailey’s dream walks! Luckily, it doesn’t take long for him to find a good stick, and then Bailey is forgotten about.

We found a second park by our house. It is across the street about three blocks, but it is a tot lot. It is nicer and more suitable for Harry. We took him by today, but he was sleeping. Silly boy. We ended up waking him up at Pentagon Row, where we went to soak up some AC. Harry got to try out the escalators. He also fell in love with automatic doors. We closed the trip with a Tall Soy Milk from Starbuck’s in a straw cup. Money well spent.

Bailey seems to be doing a lot better. No puking since before the vet on Friday. Labs looked good. The air is back on. Kevin is less grumpy. He’s baking a cake and updating photos. I am running at 7 am tomorrow with Lola, maybe Lance and Harry, and the seeMOMMYrun group. I am hoping they will get me back in marathon shape. Or at least work off Kevin’s cake!

Lastly, but certainly not least, Arwen Mei Downum has arrived! A little competition for Mackenzie? I dunno….she loves almost as far away! Mackenzie may live in

Ohio, but little Arwen lives in Fredericksburg, VA. Quite a hike, but nonetheless, we hope to see a lot of her. Welcome Arwen! We plan to have you Baby-Jogging in no time!


Anonymous said...

I didn't realize Bailey had gone to the vet.. Is she ok now? Scooter has not vomited in over a week. I decided it was due to his eating things he shouldn't be eating...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Bailey was in bad shape. We think she's been eating bugs. Hopefully less bugs at the new house! My friend is a nurse and a dog owner and said he thought she was poisoned. I think maybe she ate a big that did not agree with her. She is better now, and begging for food like crazy. I think I will give her dog food for dinner.
Glad Scooter is doing okay!

Anonymous said...

Begging for food is always a good sign! Do you have acorns? They are very toxic to dogs if they are eaten... I hope Bailey is on the mend soon... Kelly