Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hi everyone.

As you can see by the recent posts, it's been a busy last few weeks. By nature of the insanity that is the DC metro area housing market, we've managed to successfully find, see, make an offer on, and win a new house, and clean, list, show privately, have an open house for, receive multiple offers for, and approve a contract on our existing house, all within a matter of 9 days.

You may not have noticed, but June was a month in which Kim's travel took her out of town for 1/3 of the month.

Follow that up with a typical travel/visit/formal event-laden holiday weekend over the 4th, another heavily traveled month for July, and the aforementioned real estate settlement meetings and subsequent moves, and I'd say we've got ourselves a relatively busy summer.

Wrapped up in this whole home-buying fun was my 2nd Father's day. It was a bit of a blur, as that's the day we found the new digs, and Aidan's whirlwind engine kicked in, but without her, none of this would have gone off as well as it did.

Oh yes... we also had a few house guests in there. A former Caps co-worker Matt Charbonneau spent some time with us while he visited friends and colleagues in DC. Unfortunately for him, his visit coincided with my own whirlwind house cleanup. Cousin Zoe Dowd also spent an unplanned evening with us... hopefully nice for her to get to spend the night with familiar folks rather than on a bench at Dulles Airport!

So really, I've been trying to unwind from all of this (contrary to popular belief), but there's still so much more. A BBQ for great old friend & roommate Elliot who's in visiting from Uruguay, closings on the houses, the impending move, and finally... vacation in NC.

I'm looking forward to NC, but it seems so far off, yet with everything else going on, I know it will be here very quickly.

How much will Harry have changed by September?

Thankfully, a late draft of the compilation that I had been putting together from Year 1 of Harry's World was still on Magoo's computer when my laptop died last weekend, or a lot of the changes of note would have had to be reassembled from scratch.

Looking over it, I see the progress he's made. Even the difference from his 1st birthday until today. It's amazing how much he has assimilated himself into our lives, and us into his. Walking, running, laughing, talking... all in his own inimitable way that every "sentence" seems to end with that little dimply grin that will make anyone melt.

I then think about Bryan and Anna, and hope for them that they're having this kind of fun with Patrick, that May & Gene and Dave & Mikki realize how much cooler their lives will be when their kids arrive, that everyone else who's getting things in line so they can raise a family. I can't wait for when Harry gets to be friends with our friends' kids.

The circles that we run in now are very tight, and intermingle quite a bit (being told that I'm someone's link for "6 degrees of separation" is an interesting honor). Some day we'll look back on where the roots of the new crowd are from and get to enjoy it all over again.

But like vacation time in September, that future will be here all too soon. I can only hope that I was able to get everything done in time to enjoy it.