Thursday, July 07, 2005

He’s Got It!

To begin with, you may have noticed the new format. Rosie O’Donnell said seomething stupid a few months ago and her blogsite was on the news. Same template as ours. Kevin finally got around to changing it. I like the new format!

Where am I? On the way to Warwick, RI where I will work for approximately one hour putting labels on 10 bottles of medication that will expire in October. This is what I went to grad school for, and why I make the big bucks!

But, while at the airport, I picked up a few books. A Boynton book about hippos for Harry. The hippos talk on the phone. Another for Harry about airplanes so he can see where I am when I am gone (although, he has also been expressing interest in the noisy things that fly above him at the park. May as well explain them). I got another for Shelly about bunnies. Funny bunnies. We are into bunnies at the moment. Sarcastic ones, like the ones on Showtime. It is Shelly’s birthday very soon. I also got one for me. Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom. One review reads, “Shows you what would happen if Buffy got married and kept her past a secret.” Carpools. Crabgrass. Creatures from the depths of hell. Might be just what I need to get me back to Krav! That, and my shorter commute time from the new house!

I took Elliot past the casa nueva yesterday. He liked it, but like me, was amazed at the 90,000 churches that border us on King Street and Braddock. Well, at least I should be safe from demons.

As Kevin noted, Elliot is in town for a brief while. I treated him to lunch at Thai Pepper and tried to refresh his knowledge of English. Lots of “How do you say?” and “Do you have a word for especial?” Elliot is from Maryland, so I can actually understand his confusion, though it was curious. He’s been away too long! It’s nice to have him back. Can’t wait for him to meet Harry.

Another thing I explained to Elliot was Harry’s “Elliot arms.” Laura and Amber refer to Lance’s as “T-Rex arms.” I believe one of the Matt Groenig bunnies used to have them as well. Whatever…it’s something to bond the two of them.

Speaking of Harry…the kid’s just got it! He never ceases to amaze. Kevin was grilling yesterday while I focused on boiling water. I left Harry in the living room, and came back to find him sitting politely at his picnic table enjoying his soy milk. It was as though we’d placed him there!

His table manners have improved a great deal. He now hands you the food he doesn’t want instead of putting it on the floor. He chews very nicely. And his pincer grasp is perfected. He noshed on a bowl of cheerios the other day as though it were a bucket of popcorn---actually, he noshed on it better than I would have, as I normally put handfuls in my mouth. He did it one at a time. Very cool!!!

Other birthdays (along with Shelly) this month include Hannah Brockway and Jenn Wagner, who share the 11th. Happy Birthday! Dubya’s was also yesterday. I forgot to send a card, but he seems a bit busy at the moment…Bike crashes. Train explosions.

Big sigh from Kim.

I had finally started to get over my flight anxiety. I guess two weeks on land and the recent events have thrown me off again. I’m tired of terrorism. Foreign and domestic. Do I really need to say more? Just tired of it. Happy though that Matt and Glenn are not in England yet. Poor Glenn was stuck in Hawaii/California with us when 9/11 hit. He is who we drove home with. Hope they make it to and from UK in one piece.

As for me, I may be buying a tripod for the video camera so Harry will have something to remember me by…just in case….not sure if I should say this out loud….he’s just a really cool person and needs to have a mom. Even if it is just a video version. More motivation for going back to Krav. You never know when you need to fight those demons, literal or figurative.

Wow…this has become my worst blog ever. I’m such a downer…

Better re-read that bunny book.

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