Monday, July 25, 2005


Harrison had his 15 month check up today with Dr. Liu (who is due to have her second child in November!). Dr. Liu is who first saw Harry when he was a newborn in the hospital. She is very nice.

We arrived at Pediatric Associates at 10:35, exactly 5 minutes early. Harry had 5 minutes to play at the activity table before the nurse took Harry to the back. She could see that he was walking so she checked that box off. He was weighed and came in at 25# 11oz. This is the 60-65%. Next, she did his height. He is 30 ½ inches. This is in the 30%. Is anyone surprised by this?

Dr. Liu checked him over. She had heard him chatting away from the next room, so she didn’t have to ask about his verbal skills. He smiled every time she put the ophthalmolscope up to his face. I think he thought it was a camera. He didn’t like any of the other poking or prodding so much. His ears are clear, his skin looks good, his boy parts are in order and he is otherwise healthy. Tooth brushing is on track. We don’t have to brush to get them clean at this point. Brushing is mostly for practice, so he is in good shape. He likes the brushing, but I cannot claim that we clean every tooth thoroughly.

The phlebotomist came back afterwards to give him his 3 shots. He is set now until he is 4! I can hear Kevin volunteering now to take him to his next check up! Kevin doesn’t like Harry’s reaction to the shots. He cries, naturally. He does not flip out though, which is almost sadder. He gets that ‘Et tu, Brute?” expression on his face instead. In contrast, Harry was on the floor, red-faced and screaming when phlebotomist came back. I was sitting in a chair reading a magazine. Harry was upset that he could not sit at the doctor’s desk and use her phone, or go for a stroller ride, or leave the room. I guess I had my three strikes. Anyway, phlebotomist said this is definitely “Terrible 2” behavior, a little early. A little early? It’s been at least 4 months now! I had hoped it would be ending soon! I am so glad we get all of the fun stuff early (teething, tantrums, etc)! Although, I understand what is behind the tantrums, and can totally respect them. Harry has all of these new abilities, and he wants to go with it. He wants to use them. He just can’t yet. It would bug me too!

Phlebotomist said the only thing you can do when this happens is stay calm. I thought I was pretty calm reading my magazine, but a cup of tea would have been nice, too! She said, as we all know, you cannot avoid tantrums. They are programmed into our DNA. It has nothing to do with parenting. I wasn’t concerned, but it was still nice to hear. Speaking of DNA, apparently cats have a forgotten receptor for tasting sweet. They are natural Atkins followers, since carbs do nothing for them. This is why dogs are better.

Moving on, the fact sheet from the doctor was a little longer this month.

Normal Development

Your toddler:
  • Communicates happiness, anger, sadness, protests, warmth (√ - all in about a 3 minuite span!)
  • Points to 2 body parts; gives and takes a toy, pats a picture in a book (almost √- I think he points to body parts. I mean, he does know feet, definitely. And hands…eyes…head…only not if you say “Harry, point to your elbow.” He doesn’t do that yet. If you tell him to put shoes on his feet, he does. If you tell him “arms up!” the arms go up. I guess that all counts. He definetely gives stuff, and then immediately takes it back! And he touches the hair, whiskers, tails, etc in his animal books).
  • Shows functional understanding of objects such as comb, phone, pans, etc. (√ - Did I mention the phone? He can also comb his hair, put a wallet in his “pocket,” use pots and pans and whisks appropriately, put shoes on his feet, drink from cups…he’s got that down.)
  • Begins to accept limits (√ - I’d have to say yes to this one. We have taught him to stop throwing his food on the floor most of the time. He knows when he has to count down to bedtime. He knows when we cannot ride his bike all night. He doesn’t always agree with the limits, but sometiems he cooperates).
  • Says 4-10 words; uses jargon and gestures while conversing. Indicates wants by pulling, pushing, pointing, grunting and vocalizing. (√ -He knows 25 or more words at this point. The jargon and gesturing is a definite, especially when he is on the phone! He’s also begun putting his hands up as if to say “I don’t know,” covering his face McCauley Culkin style, etc. He pulls and pushes especially when someone is on his exexutive chair or in the driver’s seat. He points. I don’t like the grunting at all. We try to make him use basic words instead. Up. Down. Out. Cup. Eat. He seems to be starting to use simple sentences now. “Hi, PopPop.” Tonight he said “Night, night, Mommy!” I could have sworn he said “I love you” on the phone to Kevin a couple of weeks ago.)
  • Choking hazards such as nuts, hot dog slices, raw carrots, whole grapes, large pieces of oranges, popcorn should be given cautiously. (√! Editors' Note: take heed Magoo!)
  • Should be eating table foods the remainder of the family is eating. (almost √- he doesn’t like all of it, plus we try to give him healthier things, but we are moving towards it).
  • Should be seated while eating (√.)
  • Toddlers may begin “parallel play” which is playing alongside but not necessarily with children. (√- Harry does this. He is used to the kids at daycare. He like sto “pretend share” with other kids. I guess basically he just shows them what he has, and then takes it back. He does this with me too.Sometimes he offers up things a little bit to close, thereby clocking people in the head. Poor Lance got a black eye. I have had a fat lip. A coulel of times.)
  • Playground, sandbox, wading pools are favorite past times; foot-powered riding toys, rocking horse, doll carriages, shopping carts are fun. (√).
  • Limit TV watching to less than 1-2 hours per day. (√. Harry does not like TV, except, like me, a little bit of the weather channel. Kevin has also reduced his TV watching so that it is rarely even on around Harry. Still, I hope we can get him to watch DVDs on the way to Duck.)
  • Read to child each day. (√.)
Harry appears to be right on track. He’s a little bit short, but he is so cute little!

After Harry’s appointment, he looked so dejected. I took a conference call in the car as I drove to the park. We had a picnic lunch but he still didn’t brighten much. He played on the playground equiptment and smiled, but he had obviously been very drained. It was easy to get him past the swings on the way out.

It was not easy to drop him off at Menike’s. Once again, “Et tu, Brute?”

This is why I am the picker-upper!

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