Friday, July 15, 2005

***This blog is not intended to offend, in any way, any friends or relatives who may happen to be Democrats. This does not necessarily make you a freak. Although, if you are a friend or relative of ours, THAT may make you a freak, but in a different way. The freaks in question are those who sit cross-legged at the student union, in the path of those of us using sidewalks.

Random Thoughts for a Person Named Kelly

While I have often been accused of thinking in loopy/twirly/Phoebe-like circles, I am a huge fan of the outline and believe I actually think in straight lines. Very FAST straight lines. I tend to speak in highlights, leaving out some of the dialogue. It works great when you don’t have a lot of time, which I never seem to have, but it’s not so good when you are giving presentations, or speaking to folks who value a good story. I know it is rude to finish people’s sentences, but lots of things are rude these days and people seem to overlook them. Wearing flip flops at the airport has got to be up there.

I am in Atlanta at the moment. Many of you may recall Atlanta is my least favorite airport. I like the African Art between the concourses. There is always good shopping (you can buy ipods from vending machines!). Plenty of flights if you miss yours. But, of course, that is the problem. Lots of missed flights from Atlanta.

I actually was at the Medical College of Georgia today, in Augusta. I drove. It is over 2 and a half hours, but flights into Atlanta never fail to be delayed. I like to get home.

Along those lines, I applied for a new position in my company at 2 AM this morning. I don’t know exactly how long the position would be for, but it is advertised as a home based position reviewing reports (primarily). May sound dull, but I entered Maryland as a Journalism major, switched to English…I actually LOVE this kind of stuff! And I would still have the flexibility of being home based, and also keep ALL of my PTO time. PLEASE do whatever you can to get me this job. I may have to work some Wiccan Magick. Or maybe schedule a time where everyone can think white thoughts and stomp out the other candidates. How about July 21, 9 AM. Is everybody free? This would mean I could see my little Bug, and my big Muffin, every single day! And Bailey.

If this doesn’t work out, perhaps we can open a B&B at our house. We can call it “The Dulles Inn” and maintain an open door policy for all friends and relatives trapped without a flight! Yes, we had the pleasure of entertaining yet another who was stuck in the area. This time, Meg’s boyfriend Ian from Seattle by way of South Carolina en route to Philly. This was the first time Kevin got to meet them. I got to say hey, and then grabbed a cab to DCA, conveniently giving the boys some alone time to bond.

Apparently sister in law Meghan made it to town by 7:15 AM this morning. Seattle time, she must have woken up at midnight to get to our house. I missed her, but if all goes well we will all be meeting up on Sunday in PA before they head home. And after a trip to Point Pleasant. No swimming in Creeks there though. Too close to Matawan Shark attacks.

Browsed the book store again…found yet another intriguing Boynton book: Yay, you! It reads like Oh, the places you’ll go and is obviously a book for grads. I don’t seem to know any at the moment though. Maybe I can stash a copy for CJ? I still may pick up a copy for the little bug. It is also a story about how people choose different paths. It kind of tells a story about how it is okay to be a freak if that is what you want to be, and it is also okay if you choose to be successful.

I think success is a choice. I also think freaks are mean. Here are my thoughts on freaks: They tend to be very judgmental, and subtly nasty. There is so much talk about Mean Girls and Queen Bees and Frat Guys and Jocks…I think it is the freaks who make the world a bad place. They are usually the ones complaining about the president, complaining about Americans wearing shorts, complaining about cheerleaders and complaining about moms who work…but know what? It’s never the football team that blows up a high school (I am sure any freaks reading this are probably thinking the football team could not build a bomb). As far as I can tell, there aren’t many prom queens who grow up to be suicide bombers. I am not interested in creating some brave new world where everyone thinks the same, but I think maybe there should be socialization camps for freaks. Start them early. Teach people it is okay to be happy.

Maybe it is the Republican in me. I have two cows, my neighbor has none. So what? I worked hard for those cows, and feeling guilty about it will only shorten my life span. Eating strawberries and blueberries and spinach will improve it, and also help ward off Alzheimer’s. So will exercise. Both physical and mental. So, the title of this blog is to get your brain working and keep your brain strong. And because Kelly was complaining it’s been a while since I’d posted ;-)


Anonymous said...

oooh the new job sounds interesting.. I hope you get it! When do you find out? Was this post written for me?? I feel so special!!

Anonymous said...

This post was indeed for you! :-)
And no, I didn'tget teh job. Failure sucks. But it was in oncology, so I suppose it is a mixed blessing. Oncology is dreadful. I like happy studies on Depression and Schizophrenia.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a blessing in disguise.. you KNOW how those oncology nurses can be... Plus, for the most part, I gotta tell you that it can be a depressing field.. for every "remission", so many don't make it... Stay where it is happy!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, total blessing in disguise. I was kidding myself that it would be cool. I just need to get my travel down below 8 days....that will help.