Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Well now!

Before adding a The End to my contributions on Harrys World, I decided to go for a run. Running reminded me of a time when I was “less intense.”

I thought back to that time when I exercised with friends for several hours each day, followed a proper yeast-free zone diet day, burned sage, only read People at the dentist’s office, enjoyed the company of neighbors, and had time to sleep. I didn’t worry so much about being fired, being fat or being unfriendly. I didn’t worry so much about failing. I suppose I didn’t have as far to fall. If I did, I had the energy to climb back up. And the time.

Unbeknownst to me, or perhaps not so much, I have let “The Negatives” slip in and affect me.

At work, it’s easy to think I am not doing a good job. After all, I work in a vacuum. I’ve been too busy to check in with others to find out what obstacles they are dealing with.

Physically, I weigh what I did pre-Harry, but I do not feel “in shape.” My chiropractor swears I am, and I am told by certain instructors I am a “star pupil” but I seem to be butting heads with my fitness regime, and acquiring injuries in the process. My advice to others would be “slow and sure” but that method is frustrating. Marathoners shouldn’t struggle to run a mile.

I’ve been letting the foods I eat fatigue me (yeast and dairy). I eat what I tell others not to. I’ve almost given Harry fries on several occasions (thank you, Kevin, for stepping in and guiding me in my moment of weakness!).

Worst of all, in my weakened state, I’ve let “The Negatives” get to me. These are the people who obviously are not as comfortable in their own shoes as they would like to be. These are the people who like to bring others down. J.K. Rowling might call them “Dementors.”

I’ve decided to be rid of them once more. Healthy foods for Harry. Healthy thoughts for me. Warm fuzzies all around. So, don’t talk to me if you are going to be glum, unless you want a hand up. Don’t question my beliefs, unless you want an explanation. Don’t offer me pizza, because it is kryptonite to my body and soul.

Kevin, Harry and I had a blast at Disney World last February. With all of the busy-ness in our lives, we need more quiet time together. I was sober for my 30th birthday, and stuck in a car all day at the close of it. This year I plan to be on a beach when the winter solstice rolls around and leads me to the year 32. Keeping Harry’s needs in mind, I think I will check out Beaches Resorts. This won’t be the first December I’ve spent with Elmo.

We also plan to be home for Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... which Beaches do you plan to head to? Sounds like a nice way to ring in the New Year... I agree with your mid-year resolutions of not letting negative people bring us down....


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of mid-year resolutions! My #1 is to drink more RedBull...or. like today, ROCK STAR! Yeah! I also resolve to get up at 4:30 AM and travel every day of the year! Rock on!

Seriously, not sure where I want to go. It will only be for probably 2-3 nights. Maybe the 22nd-24th...ANy suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Hmm.Just looked online and there are Beaches resorts in Jamaica and Turks and Caicos.. for only 2-3 nights that might be alot of hassle.. you should look into the Florida Panhandle.. I have heard the Gulf Coast is nice that time of year...

Anonymous said...

try to get Kevin to fly to Washington and we'll be there (you may have better luck with Vancouver). The plan for my BIRTHDAY though is to be somewhere HOT. Sizzling! Gulf Coast soudns nice :-)

Anonymous said...

I just read in my Traveler magazine about a town called Seaside, Florida (near Destin, I think).. it looked very New Englandly and cute... I would definitely look into it..
