Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I need a holiday…

Another busy holiday weekend! My guys are exhausted, and Bailey is glad we are home to protect her from the fireworks. Here’s a recap:


My weekend began early. I had a painful visit at the day spa followed by an even more painful visit to the dentist to have a cavity replaced. Solage, the International Day Spa in Old Town is where I decided to go once I replaced Circe. I love Rafik, who is down in Georgetown, but it was becoming such a hike. Although…perhaps now that we are moving closer to the city….now I’m thinking! Tomorrow, I will call Rafik to fix my hair. Solage did a good job last time, but this time my hair is choppy and the highlights are streaky. My eyebrows are not even and my pedicure looks like I did it myself. I think I might check out the spas in Delray to correct these errors. (Postscript: I made an appointment at Anne Welsh in Delray. We’ll see how that goes.)

I am still deciding on the dentist. He’s also in Old Town. We were waitlisted for about 6 months before getting in. I had still been seeing my dentist, Anne Barrett, in NJ. I love that office. They are very high tech. The new guy, Les Ratner…he hurts my mouth! Dr. Barrett never did…but they are far away…I still have not ordered up my records, though. I just figured since Harry has so many teeth (12-16 at the moment!) I should find someone local. Although, there was a little girl screaming while I was getting my teeth done. Perhaps I should keep looking…

I picked Harry up early so we could hang. I don’t think Menike was ready to be Harry-less for a 4 day weekend as well as an extra two hours! She told me I should go relax (until my face returned to normal). I thank her but gathered Harry up just the same.

I had to wait until 5 to pick up my Ogre-green bridesmaid dress at the cleaners, so we went to the park to swing and then swung by Starbucks for some big boy soy milk (with a straw!) and a very sticky butterfly cookie for Harry. I kept myself busy trying to pour water into one side of my mouth (dentist, remember). I have been dying to take him to a book store, and my favorite Barnes & Noble is right there, but it was such a nice day out, I thought we should take advantage and do some outdoor activities instead. And based on [Sunday’s] near escape from his car seat when we passed the park, I think I chose wisely!


Harry and I spent the morning playing with his new BBQ grill. He had such fun on Isabella’s stove that I decided to get him some role-playing toys of his own (in addition to my cell phone and laptop). He loves his BBQ. He can wheel it all over the house, and he is careful to only put the designated corn, chicken leg and Boca burger on the grill. He knows what the pieces are all called as well. He is so smart.

His buddy Lance came over at 10:30. The two boys are the same size and have the same personality (future CEOs of America we have been told by the experts of Gymboree). I was waiting for them to wrestle each other for the phone! Lance’s aunt, Amber, came by with him to meet Bailey. She watched her for the weekend for the small price of a flight to Vegas. I am glad those frequent flier points can make themselves useful!

Kevin was home by noon and we headed up to NJ for Melissa & Pete’s rehearsal dinner. We went to a very cool Japanese restaurant. Dinner was fabulous and the chefs entertained us well. I did not catch any lobster in my mouth however. I do believe I ducked. Kevin caught his. Was there any doubt?

Little man did not join us. He stayed back at the hotel, where my dad foolishly asked Harry if he wanted to go for a ride. Guess who got to push a stroller around a hotel for an hour? Hah! I thought he learned his lesson with Bailey! (Speaking of Bailey…Amber told me Monday that Bailey helped herself to a slice of pizza from the box on the bottom shelf while Amber had the refrigerator door open. Is there no end to what this dog will go to for pizza???)


Woke up by 6. Harry got to play in the hotel room while Kevin and I watched the Action News report on Live 8. (Still seems silly to hold a free concert to support erasing debt in third world countries. Why not charge people and pay off the debt?). As the crowds gathered by the Art Museum steps, we gathered our energy to head downstairs for some breakfast (no room service at this hotel L). Breakfast was followed by a swim with the little bug. Although, he doesn’t swim as much since he discovered cannonballs. He still likes to climb out of the pool, walk away, and then turn around and run back. Kevin entertained Harry by going underwater and popping back up. I splashed tidal waves at him, thereby soaking the pool room, which he thought was very funny! Old guys (his favorite) played peekaboo with him as he stared out of the indoor windows.

By 9, Harry was ready for a quick nap. I got myself ready for the hairdresser. I shouldn’t have bothered. I have never had worse wedding hair in my life. What is it with my hairdresser karma these days? I really need to speak up when I don’t like something! The hairdresser certainly voiced his concerns over other peoples’ bad haircuts (though strangely, he complimented mine). I shouldn’t have been concerned with his feelings so much.

We went back to Melissa’s sister Staci’s house to get ready. 9 year old Brielle was not ready to watch us all get dressed in front of her. Her dad was, but we politely escorted him out. Photographers arrived and we snapped away behind them. I am still working on the Shutterfly editing, but due to a hard drive crash, we may not be able to post any on the website.

Kevin entertained Harry during this time by taking him for a walk through Haddonfield, with a stop at Starbuck’s of course. There is a giant playground near The Mansion, so they also hung out there for a while. PopPop returned to watch Harry before Kevin headed back to The Mansion to sit in the hot sun and take photos.

Having had my own wedding out of doors, I would be the last person to suggest anything else, even after the fact. It was a gorgeous day and I am glad Melissa and Pete chose to exchange their vows under blue skies, BUT…well, a big shout out to the makers of those bridesmaids dresses. Those were some hard core liners underneath! We may have been soaked inside them, but looked (literally) as cool as cucumbers to the “congregation.”

Later, we dined, danced, and chatted with some of Melissa’s relatives that I haven’t seen in a dozen years. It was still weird to see her 1 and 3 year old cousins look like college kids! And I’m not afraid to say that I cried when her 90 year old grandfather danced with her grandmother…but then stayed on the floor dancing to hip hop! I can only imagine his hearing is impaired!

The guys actually invaded our late evening girl music (beginning with Dancing Queen). My neck still hurts from dancing with Pete. I think I am literally HALF of his height! Melissa looked beautiful in her dress, and neither Nicole nor I popped out of ours, though her other grandmother was very understanding of the pain I suffered from my strapless bra. Ouch!


Stopped by my mom and Allen’s for some strawberry pancakes before heading to the beach. They’ve expanded their deck, and it looks great. Harry got to play with the big dogs. Poor Nugget. She’s always loved attention, but she needs it so badly she even puts up with Harry’s poking and prodding (P.S. I got some great footage of Harry chasing Bailey in circles on Friday! She paid attention when I told her she can walk away from him. We will need to work on a new plan now that he is mobile…and NUTTY!)

Made it to Cape May before noon. Too tired to actually go to the beach, so we hung out with the old folks and then went to the pool. I took Harry to the park while Kevin dozed. Uncle Chollie pushed him in his stroller while we enjoyed a fabulous dinner. What would we do without Chollie around to cook and entertain the little ones?

I also finally got to read CJ’s poem. It’s amazing! One of the best I’ve ever read. The last line, “I am my own worst enemy” clarifies and astounds. I think this realization of CJ as poet surpasses Billy Decker diagnosing my allergies!

Harry stayed up way past his bed time listening to stories, driving in golf carts and playing with his cousins, but he still woke up bright and early. THIS IS WHY WE PUT HIM TO BED AT 7:30!!!! I am sticking to my guns from now on! (I am sure Kevin is reading this saying “Who’s guns?”).


Headed home by 8:30. We didn’t hit too much traffic. Checked in with Amber and she said Bailey had been a good dog. Checked in with Tara and made plans for BBQ and pool day. Took quick shower and packed up Harry’s pool toys in the cool giant pink bucket I received as a bridesmaid gift. Melissa lived at the beach until recently, and we spent summers together at her grandparents’ beach house in Ocean City, NJ, so the beach theme was very appropriate. We also received awesome sandals (she correctly guessed all of our sizes!), photos and beach towels. Mine was Kim Possible. I absolutely love it!

Hung out in the baby pool at park Fairfax. Several other little people were in there, and some bigger kids during adult swim came in to play with Harry’s toys. This was a good thing, because Harry seems to play well with bigger kids. They amuse him.

Tara and I realized that the baby pool, with it’s two inches of water, is hugely reflective! I’ve been missing out on an even tan all of these years! And for those of you naysayers who think tanning is bad…we had sunscreen on, and the experts say the body needs Vitamin D as derived from the sun to improve mental health and potentially protect you from Multiple Sclerosis. People who live in colder climates are actually more susceptible to MS. MS is far more prevalent in Canada then in the southern states. But I digress.

Went back to Tara’s to BBQ…Harry busied himself in the garden for a while…by 6:30 we had eaten dinner and Harry started to get tired, so Kevin took him home for the evening while I enjoyed some Coronas with Tara and talked about when we might run again in order to get through this next marathon (off to the old Chiropractor this afternoon for some heat and stim).

Now I am off to busy myself looking for the perfect Dead Head Stickers for Dan’s Eldorado and my new minivan. We have not bought the minivan yet. I was hooked on the Chrysler Town & Country with it’s stow and go seating, but we were fortunate to have a guided tour of Lorraine and Brian’s Honda Odyssey this weekend. It doesn’t have the stow and go, but it is pretty amazing. We may have to shop around a little to further decide. I think May bought the Honda too. Even though minivans seem to be what all of the cool kids are driving I decided a nice Stealie might improve upon it. And then a little voice inside my head said don’t look back, you can never look back. Bye bye convertible, hello cup holders!

And so, we return to the work week, and Harry returns to Menike’s. Once again, I think he is looking forward to his routine, and his friends. He loves the start of the weekend as much as we do, but by Monday (or Tuesday) morning, he’s ready to relax. So is Bailey!


Anonymous said...

You were right about the shade of green for the bridesmaid dress.. totally a "Shrek" Green! By the way, my aunt has a Honda Odyssesey and totally loves it. It has been very reliable, yada yada yada...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posts Kelly! It's good to see we are to very busy workaholics...hahaha! By the way, check out Kevin's post. He's looking forward to Duck! Is Pete?

Oh well...next stop Tiki Bar!

Anonymous said...

I think he is.. He hasn't said much about it, other than he hopes to golf at this place called the Currituck Club.. I will have to check it out on the web..

